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Got a question? We have an answer. If for some reason you can't find your answer, shoot us an email at

What is the Global Aspiring Medic Conference (GAMC) about?


The Global Aspiring Medic Conference (GAMC) is a one-day conference held in Hong Kong. The conference will provide a mind-stimulating platform for students to gain insight into the many sectors of the medical industry, including Medicine, Biomedical Science, Nursing, and Psychology and the various academic pathways to achieve success in these fields.


Through clinical skills workshops and illuminating lectures, we hope this conference will provide students with the necessary information and inspiration to help with their decision making and planning in both their studies and careers.

Who can attend the GAMC?


GAMC is open to students (in rising F.4 or Y11 and above) across Asia and invitations will be extended to students in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and China. Unfortunately, students in F.3 or Y10 and below are not allowed to attend. On the day, GAMC organizers will ask for proof of age.

What is included in the registration fee?


The registration fee covers entry into Speaker Series by top medical academics and professionals worldwide as well as the Clinic Booth Experience including sharing sessions and admissions talks. The registration fee covers entry into all the events listed under the Schedule except for lunch. Students will need to arrange their own lunch.


This event is non-profit and all proceeds will go towards underwriting international speakers’ traveling and accommodation expenses.

What is the refund policy?


Registration fees are non-refundable. In the event of Typhoon or Black Rain, there will be no refund. Should registered students not turn up for the event, there will unfortunately be no refund.


Please note that while speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of the organizer may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers. As such, GAMC reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers if necessary, without any liability to you whatsoever. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.

Is there a dress code?


There is no formal dress code but we suggest wearing smart-casual attire. 

Is bottle water allowed at the venue?

According to HKU's policy, distribution and use of disposable plastic water bottles of less than one liter volume is not permitted at the campus. Students are encouraged to bring their own reusable water bottle.

Is the venue wheelchair friendly?


Yes. The University of Hong Kong is fully equipped with ramps, wheelchair friendly doors and a lift. After registering, kindly email us at if you have a disability so we can make special arrangements for you. 

Is there any accommodation available?


We encourage you to book rooms in advance to reduce the cost of hotel expenses. Since the conference will be located in Pokfulam, we highly suggest you find suitable accommodations in this area. GAMC is not responsible for individual participant’s traveling or accommodation arrangements

What opportunity exists for networking?


Many. GAMC gives you the unparalleled opportunity to speak with many world-class medical practitioners with backgrounds hailing from Oxford, Cambridge, the University of London and Harvard.  


During breaks and the lunch, you will have the opportunity to connect with them and learn more in depth of their work. 

I am interested in sponsoring / promoting. Whom do I contact?


Great! Please email us at and we will get back to you soonest.

Is there any financial aid for under-resourced students for the GAMC?


Please contact ARCH Community Outreach for those who need financial sponsorship and subsidy.

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