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Keynote Speakers Forum


From SARS to influenza pandemics, what have we learnt?


The SARS epidemic in 2003 infected more than 8000 patients, resulting in 774 deaths in 37 countries. During the epidemic, Hong Kong was severely affected both socially and economically. Nevertheless, health care workers in Hong Kong stood firm and took a leading role in both the treatment and research in SARS. Scientists from the HKU was the first team to identify coronavirus to be the cause of SARS and to describe the clinical and virological presentation. The team also identified the horseshoe bats in Hong Kong and the southern part of China to be the origin. Similarly, influenza poses a heavy burden to both global and local health services. The WHO estimates half a million death worldwide annually is secondary to influenza infection and its complication. Elderly subjects, young children and patients with chronic illness are at high risk in acquiring severe influenza infection. We also face new threats of the antigenically drifted H1N1 and H3N2 infection and the avian influenza virus including the H5N1 and H7N9.


In this talk, I will share with you my experience in clinical research, from the bench-to-bedside, and from SARS to influenza pandemics.


Cancer Immunotherapy 

The Cinderella of Cancer Treatment is finally having a Ball !


Last year, Jim Allison and Tasuku Honjo shared the 2018 Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology for their pioneering work in cancer immunotherapy. This is the first ever Nobel Prize awarded for any form of cancer therapy. The road to successful, globally impactful immune based treatments across so many cancers did not happen just in the past 10 years. It began over 100 years ago. This road has been rocky, winding, uncertain, and fraught with failures, heartbreak, yet sparked with some successes along the rollercoaster ride. Cancer immunotherapy was long regarded as the Cinderella of cancer treatment. The list of giants in the field are many, and each stands on the shoulders of the previous generations, building on the discoveries of one another, contributing to a clearer picture in a medical jigsaw puzzle. This journey towards the now widespread role of cancer immunotherapy that has benefitted so many cancer patients worldwide is filled with remarkable scientists and doctors of vision, resilience, grit and courage. These are life lessons of challenging dogma, following one’s instincts, pushing frontiers, rising above failure and connecting many dots.


Neurosurgery - achieving the impossible


Neurosurgery is a relatively new surgical discipline, performing surgical interventions on the central nervous system. A hundred years ago, any surgery performed on the brain is so risky that merely surviving the surgery is considered a success. As technology develops, we are now capable to perform neurological surgeries with safety and precision, or even without having to open up the skull! We are now treating diseases once considered untreatable; and not only saving lives but improving the quality of life. I will be talking about how this specialty has been changing, and the vast potential in future development.  


Translational Research in Clinical Anatomy, the way forward 


Basic sciences and specifically anatomical sciences are essential components of medical curricula worldwide. Although anatomical sciences and specifically gross anatomy is essential to medical students and physicians, gross anatomy research has proven challenging to directly have an impact on patient care. As a result, the model of translational research has been applied to address the gap between gross anatomy and patient care. This presentation will provide cases from published studies from peer reviewed journals of our research group using gross anatomy as the main tool for conducting translational research and shows its direct impact on patient care. In addition, this presentation will show examples of research in the areas of clinical anatomy research, translational research, reverse translational research and the impact on patient care. Finally, this presentation will show concrete examples of future projects of feasibility studies and their direct relation with patient care.


Navigating the Maze of Medical School Admissions &

Life as a Medic Student 


Medicine is one of the most competitive subjects to gain entry to in the world. But beyond top grades, what else can students do to prepare ahead of applications to medical schools? Students will have the opportunity to learn from experienced university consultants about pathways for studying medicine and related subjects in Hong Kong and abroad. Students will gain an understanding of what qualities medical schools are really looking for, as well as discover ways in which they can enhance their chance to enter medical schools. 

Student representatives from the University of Hong Kong will share their personal experiences as applicants and current medical students!

Clinical Workshops

The Clinical Workshops are designed for students to understand the work of medical practitioners and allied healthcare professionals with background ranging from Ophthalmology, Robotics, Respiratory ENT, Psychology and Chinese Medicine. The purpose is to increase students’ understanding of how professionals from a range of disciplines work together to deliver comprehensive care to address all of the patient’s need. The workshops are designed as an interactive process rather than a didactic nature, where students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to tackle a complex clinical case in a multi-modality approach with their peers. This problem-based learning approach allow students to hone their diagnostic questioning skills through interactive small teams discussion and this should provide a reflective insight into the reality of medicine.

Workshop 1:

Workshop 2:

Workshop 3:

Workshop 4:

Workshop 5:

Workshop 6:

Workshop 7:

Workshop 8:

Specialist in Minimally Invasive Surgery and Oncology

The Prescription of a Nephrologist

Meet the Anaesthetist

Pink Ribbon Surgeon

The Journal of a General Practitioner

Flying with Doctor without Borders

The Use of Ultrasound in Everyday Practice

Immune System Armour up Against Cancer

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